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at St George's


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the nine thirty

Every Sunday at 9.30am we have a Worship Service with Holy Communion each week. On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, we are joined by our Come and Sing choir for anyone to join and help lead the congregation in worship. This service is now being live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

the eleven

Join the adventure at St G's with at our relaxed, contemporary 11am worship service which is live-streamed.
We have our Worship band and our children's provision (see our Families Page here on our website for more information on all we have going on for children and young people) and we have Communion once a month.

Our Tots@11 is a room in our Hall for families to use which is unsupervised for Parents/Carers with their little ones. There is a tv there which livestreams the service so you can still join in with us.

the online

Every Sunday at both 9.30am and 11am, we live-stream from the Church  and is available to watch live from our YouTube channel each week along with the Sunday Sermons and our "Extra Slices" which picks up from the Sunday Sermon and digs a little deeper.



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